About Me

Maybe if I stop changing my mind on what I want to be when I "grow up" I'll end up with a degree and a job! Right now, I'm about to start a new school... I have a wonderful son and awesome hubby. I am a flutist and bassoonist, music is my first love.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I will be out of town for a week starting Wednesday, so I probably won't have any posts then. Also, I was gone over the weekend, hence no posts then either...


A Link a Day: The Joy of Cloth Diapers

From Mothering Magazine
"...even in an environmentally conscious town like Boulder, Colorado, I'm surprised at how few parents use cloth."
Interested in cloth diapers? Need something to convince you to take the plunge? This is a great article that compares the pros and cons, including the environmental impact of both cloth and disposables.

Just like this author, I feel that cloth diapering is just a natural extension of my generally crunchy (natural) parenting and living.

I've been told I am "brave" to cloth diaper, and I've also surprised a few, and gotten some funny looks from others. But, I can tell you I feel great that I do it, and I would never choose sposies (disposables).