About Me

Maybe if I stop changing my mind on what I want to be when I "grow up" I'll end up with a degree and a job! Right now, I'm about to start a new school... I have a wonderful son and awesome hubby. I am a flutist and bassoonist, music is my first love.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Link a Day: Hidden Booby Trap: Is Your Lactation “Specialist” an Impostor?

Hidden Booby Trap: Is Your Lactation “Specialist” an Impostor?
"All too often, new parents are getting poor breastfeeding guidance from so-called hospital lactation experts, some of whom are not even experts at all! " 
Although you don't need an official title to be knowledgeable, it's wise to be wary of those with good intentions, but bad advice.

I have experienced this first hand. The hospital where my son was born had what they called "Lactation Counselors." I know now that these nurses had only about 2 hours of training in breastfeeding. I have recently discovered that my son may have an upper lip tie. This could be the reason we did not get off to a smooth start with breastfeeding. No one liked his latch, but never articulated to me why or how to fix it. In stead I was told it was because he was premature and was given a nipple shield, which did work for us. If this has been properly diagnosed in the beginning, I may have had it corrected by now, but instead I'm afraid that it may have to be done under general anesthesia because he is older.

Don't be afraid to ask for the best. Everyone deserves the best help they can get. Make sure your nurse or consultant is an Independent Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Link a Day: A Necessary Cesarean by Mother’s Instincts

A Necessary Cesarean by Mother’s Instincts
"I told him something wasn’t right as I cried. I didn’t want surgery but I knew I needed to."
Sometimes it is easy to get so caught up in the idea that cesareans are pointless, evil, and something we would not wish upon our enemies. We have to remember that there is a reason they exist. To save lives.

This story is very touching. It is just as beautiful as a mother trusting her instincts to guide herself through her home birth. It shows us that our bodies do know what to do, that they can even tell us when we need to ask for help.

As much cesarean bashing as I've seen, we need to see more stories like this. We have to remember that even if it's the last thing we want, medical intervention can be necessary and life saving.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Link a Day: Making Milk When There's No Baby to Feed

Making Milk When There's No Baby to Feed
"Tanya and Jessica talked about the experience of lactation after mothers lose babies – either in pregnancy, at birth, or as infants – and the range of feelings and challenges it rasies [sic].
This is a podcast interview with a graduate student who studied women who donated their milk following the loss of their baby.

It's nice to see this topic discussed, mothers need to know that they most likely will have to deal with making milk even without a baby. This podcast touches on the lack of support many of these women get about this issue because it is such a sensitive one, and how it can be healing to know that the milk can help other babies.

Very moving topic.

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Link a Day: Breech Babies Can Turn in Labor and/or Birth Vaginally

Breech Babies Can Turn In Labor and/or Birth Vaginally
"It’s their birth, it’s their way, we’re just going along for the ride." 
I love reading stories of breech birth. Birthing a breech baby has become a lost art. Thanks in part to insurance companies, OBs in America are quick to cut (even before 39 weeks!) if the baby presents as breech.

This trend is reversing, slowly. In Canada, doctors are once again being taught how to catch breech babies. Hopefully this will trickle down to the states.