About Me

Maybe if I stop changing my mind on what I want to be when I "grow up" I'll end up with a degree and a job! Right now, I'm about to start a new school... I have a wonderful son and awesome hubby. I am a flutist and bassoonist, music is my first love.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Link a Day: Breastfeeding in Emergencies

"Consider informal human milk donation in a situation where the infant is not with the
mother or she is not lactating, and the person responsible for the baby prefers feeding donor breast milk, and understands the risks and benefits of feeding unpasteurized breastmilk from a healthy donor. 
"Consider the use of pasteurized donor human milk when refrigeration, transportation, safe water, and basic infrastructure are in place, if an infant’s mother is not available due to separation or death, or as supplement when a mother’s milk supply is inadequate. 
"Control the distribution of purchased infant formula so that it is offered only to those
infants who do not have access to human milk. "
All these points are awesome. This document is intended for all local, state, and federal emergency policy.

There is much more good information in the statement, including offering information on relactation, and providing lactation professionals to breastfeeding women.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Love These Moments

The other day, a coworker asked me what I thought about the new "slip-on" diapers. I told her I'd never heard of them. We were standing in the diaper aisle at the time, and said, "I don't know anything about any of this stuff." She seemed surprised and asked if I used cloth. I replied I did and noted how much I loved saving money by not buying disposables. I told her it's a lot easier to run the washer than to run out of diapers.

I love to surprise people by being different. I love to show my enthusiasm for things that aren't "mainstream." I love that I chose an environmentally (and wallet) friendlier way to care for my child, and that I don't know anything about doing it any other way.


I wasn't going to touch this subject with a ten-foot pole, BUT...

I do feel it is relevant to the topic of birth in this country. It is the time when all mothers are asked if they will have this surgery performed on their boys.

I don't care if anyone disagrees with me, but I would like to try to present some factual information on the subject. I know there are a lot of women and men out there who are looking for information and guidance.

The following article sites a very recent study, published last spring.

A Link a Day: 100 Deaths Caused Annually by Circumcision

Infant circumcision causes 100 deaths each year in US
"To put this in perspective, about 44 neonatal boys die each year from suffocation, and 8 from auto accidents. About 115 neonatal boys die annually from SIDS, nearly the same as from circumcision.
According to this article, the study hints that these deaths are often kept hush-hush. It is strange to me that as a society, we feel that we, as Americans, are a modern, just, ethical culture. We balk at such atrocities as genocide in Sudan and terrorism. I have a feeling that if I asked most Americans if they would condone the mutilation of the genitals of their babies, most would say absolutely not. But, when you hide behind the euphemism, "circumcision," suddenly it's perfectly acceptable.

We as Americans hide this problem because our culture often takes on the view that we are morally superior to other nations. We have freedom of speech and a democratic government and so on. We feel we are morally superior because we condemn (and outlaw) female genital mutilation (FGM).

We are NOT superior. We constantly mutilate, cause harm to, and kill infant boys over something that has absolutely no net benefit. (Except to the medical industry, and those who buy and sell foreskins for medical or cosmetic uses.)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Link a Day: Screening to Reduce Preterm Births

Study urges screening for condition that leads to preterm births
"Compared with a placebo, daily use of Prochieve by women with short cervixes reduced births before 28 weeks - when death and disability are most likely - by half."
 In an age where more are more women are growing suspicious of interventions during pregnancy, this may not be a bad idea. This study shows a benefit for women whose cervix prematurely shortens, or "ripens" between 19 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. The results not only reduced preterm birth before 28 weeks, but there were also fewer preterm births at any gestational age.

No side effects or risks are noted in the article, but as a mother of a preemie, it is very intriguing. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Link a Day: LactMed

LactMed Search
"A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Among the data included are maternal and infant levels of drugs, possible effects on breastfed infants and on lactation, and alternate drugs to consider
From the United States Medical Library's Toxnet (Toxicology Data Network), LactMed is a resource I feel every lactating woman and medical professional needs to have on hand.

It lets you easily search for a particular drug, like 'amoxicillin', or even a keyword, like 'antibiotics.' The results will give you detailed information about the effects and potential side effects of medications on the breastfed baby.

I cannot tell you how valuable this is. In our culture, at least in my neck of the woods, breastfeeding is not considered the "norm." I was even advised by a dentist to find out from my pediatrician which medications I could take while breastfeeding. In my opinion, it's the prescribing doctor's responsibility to know the safety of all medications prescribed to his/her patient and her baby. The next time I needed a prescription, I knew better. I pulled out my phone and looked up the drug right there at the office. It turns out that the drug he chose was not the best option, and I was able to get a different prescription before I even left his office. I made sure to give him the link.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Link a Day: Why Delay Solids?

kellymom.com :: Why Delay Solids?
"Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods.
New research indicates that it is best to wait until the child is six months old before introducing solid foods. This is a change from the older recommendation of 4-6 months. Many health care providers are not adhering to these new guidelines, but there are reasons why even 4 months old is too young.

 The World Health Organization (WHO), The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and Health Canada are among those organizations that recommend a whole six months of exclusive breastfeeding.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Link a Day: Pitocin Side Effects

Pitocin Side Effects 
"Neonatal seizures and permanent CNS or brain damage has been reported."
 Like all drugs, there are risks as well as benefits. Now, I admit I did point out the most disturbing side effect in the list. My point is that no drug taken during labor (or ever, really) should be taken LIGHTLY. I declined pitocin both before and after the birth of my child. I must add that I was educated on natural birth and knew that it was most certainly not necessary in my case. There are times when pitocin is warranted, but don't believe that there are no risks to using it, even if you are told otherwise.

Pitocin can lead to what has been coined the "cascade in intervention." It causes more intense contractions that the uterus normally experiences, more intense than the baby normally experiences. This can cause fetal distress and lead to an emergency c-section.

More issues...

So, shortly after I posted the previous entry, my internet went out. For the second time this week.

Now, hopefully I've got both the computer and the internet working, and will resume my link series.
